$SHIH Tzu Lovers Rallied to Take Cryptocurrency to a New High on ‘days before cmc and gecko listing.’ Did it Work?

3 min readApr 25, 2021


SHIH coin is like a trend like YIELD FARMIG AND DEFI satire that serves no purpose like bitcoin, however it started with the trend of Dogecoin which is a meme and trending which seeks the eye of every potential traders and investor nowadays.

So what really happened? On Thursday, the SHIH cryptocurrency which started as a joke on MONDAY 19th APRIL by a group of anonymous reached its highest ever-value recorded so far and till now growing with a stagnant rate. SHIH 24-hour window saw a 112.89% growth, with the value of the cryptocurrency currently at $0.000000006586 Just two days after the the cryptocurrency recorded the milestone of reaching ATH on April 22.

This is the highest ever peak for meme tokens to rise as big investors like ELON has left no space to join the bar and SHIH on the same flow following the trend within a spam of 2–3 days has crossed a community of 2k people and total holders of 1580 holders and 5743 transfers. This shows the community is too strong to rise the outflows and from hidden sources it is predicted that some of the institutional investors are been behind this.

And to prove that right the community claims to sent 50% of the supply to Vitalik Buterins wallet

And 50% of the total supply has been locked in the uniswap pool.

By the running trend small retail investors got the opportunity to earn a healthy profits in the SHIH however still a lot of community are keeping an eye as coingecko and cmc listing for huge gains…as we have seen the past we have so much examples of Dogecoin, AKITA, SHIB.

Is this the end for SHIH? Probably not. Despite the value drop, the meme cryptocurrency has already made a mark, clawing its way up from what was absolutely rock-bottom to make a significant impact that brands and even the global audience at large took notice of. That impact will take time to wear off — and will also always leave room for a re-rise in the Shih tzu currency.

So what’s the conclusion? Can SHIH could be next DOGE??

The conclusion itself says the truth i.e the answer is in the question only. We have seen people becoming billionaire from a coin that is mentioned above, If I could suggest this could be the last and one of the option I see as a opportunity to seek as an investment and huge gains of profit as market cap went from 50k to 7M ,I think that explains the whole story………

Here’s the details :

Shih Tzu ($SHIH) is a meme based & decentralized community experiment with it claims that 1/2 the tokens have been sent to Vitalik Butern and the other half were locked to a Uniswap pool.

✅No Team tokens

✅Liquidity locked

✅Admin Key- LP Tokens Burned

Total Supply: 1,000,000,000,000,000 $SHIH

Dextools: https://www.dextools.io/app/uniswap/pair-explorer/0xb8ec4eb95d104753747bc689e6e997a637245bbd

Uniswap: https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x841fb148863454a3b3570f515414759be9091465

Vitalik Buterin (50% of supply): https://etherscan.io/tx/0xc58a0014be896db1363dd2054becc23b6f9da4d9b208795ea998000dacf828cf

LP Burn: 🔥https://etherscan.io/tx/0x4384dc0de2e820062212d8f2d02a6d90e882b356ab43a5240c6c663758b0199e

Contract Address: 0x841fb148863454a3b3570f515414759be9091465

Website: https://www.shih-tzu.org

Twitter: https://twitter.com/ShihTzuToken

Telegram: @shihtoken


RUSSIAN: @shihtzurus

philippines: @Shihtzphilippines

indonesia: @Shihtzindonesia

China: @shihtzchina

iran : @shihtziran

YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7dVDD31udUo&t=13s


